
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The convincing power of Truth


"Let us continue our vigil of prayer
by preparing to encounter Christ,
present among us
in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
Together, in the silence of our common adoration,
let us open our minds and hearts to
His presence, His love,
and the convincing power of His truth."

 Pope Benedict XVI
Hyde Park Vigil
September 19, 2010

St Matthew
"And he got up and followed Him" (Mt 9:9b)
Apostle and Evangelist
FEAST DAY - September 21

Ste Matthew, ora pro nobis!

Imitate Matthew - get up and follow Jesus.
Then invite sinners to meet Him.
"What reason can the Teacher have for eating with tax collectors
and those who disregard the law?" —Matthew 9:11
Cause heaven to rejoice (Luke 15:7).

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