
Friday, October 1, 2010

First Kiss

Of her First Holy Communion Day...St Therese reflects...

"How sweet it was, the first kiss of Jesus to my soul! Yes, it was a kiss of Love. I felt I was loved, and I too said: 'I love Thee, I give myself to Thee forever!' Jesus asked nothing of me, demanded no sacrifice. Already for a long time past, He and the little Therese had watched and understood one another... That day our meeting was no longer a simple look but a fusion. No longer were we two: Therese had disappeared as the drop of water which loses itself in the depths of the ocean, Jesus alone remained; the Master, the King! Had not Therese begged Him to take away from her, her liberty? That liberty made her afraid; so weak, so fragile did she feel herself that she longed to be united forever to Divine Strength."

~From Story of A Soul, Autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux

St Thérèse of Lisieux
Doctor of the Church
Carmelite Nun
aka The Little Flower of Jesus
and St Therese of the Child Jesus
France ~ 1873-1897
FEAST DAY - October 1

“The only thing I really wish for to love until I die of love.”
St. Thérèse

Ste Thérèse of Lisieux, ora pro nobis!


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