
Friday, October 22, 2010

For us God is not simply Word

"For us God is not simply Word. In the sacraments
He gives Himself to us in person, through physical realities.  At the heart of our relationship with God
and our way of life is the Eucharist. Celebrating it devoutly, and thus encountering Christ personally, should be the centre of all our days. In Saint Cyprian’s interpretation of the Gospel prayer, 'Give us this day
our daily bread,' he says among other things that 'our' bread – the bread which we receive as Christians
in the Church – is the Eucharistic Lord Himself. In this petition of the Our Father, then, we pray that He may daily give us 'our' bread; and that it may always
nourish our lives; that the Risen Christ, who gives Himself to us in the Eucharist, may truly shape the
whole of our lives by the radiance of His divine love."
Pope Benedict XVI
Letter to Seminarians, dated Oct. 18, 2010

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