
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hold nothing back!

 “We cultivate a very small field
for Christ, but we love it, knowing
that God does not require great achievements but a heart that
holds back nothing for self. ...
He who has Jesus has everything."

St Rose Philippine Duchesne
France ~ 1769-1852
"Missionary of the American Frontier"
Foundress of the American Society of the Sacred Heart
FEAST DAY – November 18


St Rose spent hours in adoration of our Eucharistic Lord. 
Sometimes her prayer would go long into the nighttime, spending 6 to 8
hours before the Blessed Sacrament.   Her long hours of contemplation
impelled the Potawatomi Indians whom she served to name her,
Quah-kah-ka-num-ad, "Woman-Who-Prays-Always".  "Poverty and Christian heroism
are here," she wrote, "and trials are the riches of priests in this land."
At 71 years old, she successfully opened a school in Kansas for them.

Sta Rose Philippine Duchesne, ora pro nobis!

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