
Friday, January 28, 2011

His greatest love...

     "St Thomas Aquinas' greatest love was the Blessed Sacrament,
of which he was to be the world's greatest witness.  He would spend hours
at a time, day and night, before the altar in adoration and meditation.  
Here was his great school.  The Eucharistic Lord Himself was his Master. 
When he celebrated Mass, he was in raptures and often in tears.  After
saying his own Mass he would serve another - or at least hear one. 
    In December 1273, when he was forty-seven, he laid down his pen,
determined to study and write no more, so that he might give himself
to God entirely in meditation and prayer.  He was ordered by Pope
Gregory X to go to Lyons to assist at the General Council.  Taken ill on
the way, he was obliged to stop at the Cistercial Abbey of Fossa-Nouva. 
His first visit was to the Blessed Sacrament.  At Fossa-Nouva he lay
seriously ill for a month.  He made his general confession. 
    While Viaticum was being brought to him, he had himself taken from
the bed and laid upon ashes on the floor.  The tears came to his eyes as he beheld the Host in the hand of the priest.  He made his profession of faith:
"I firmly believe that Jesus Christ, true God and true man, is present in
this august Sacrament.  I adore You, my God and my Redemption , the
Viaticum of my pilgrimage, for whose honor I have studied, labored,
preached and taught."
From Witnesses to the Eucharist, Fr Hugh F Blunt, LLD
St Thomas Aquinas
Italy ~ 1225-1274
Dominican monk
Theologian, philosopher, professor
Doctor of the Church
FEAST DAY - January 28
(Happy Feast Day, Spencer!)
 "The Eucharist is the sacrament of love:
it signifies love, it produces love." - St Thomas Aquinas
Ste Thomas Aquinas, ora pro nobis!

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