
Thursday, February 17, 2011


Kneeling at Mass during World War II

"As then in the sad and anxious times through which
we are passing there are many who cling so firmly to
Christ the Lord hidden beneath the Eucharistic veils
that neither tribulation, nor distress, nor famine,
nor nakedness, nor danger, nor persecution, nor
the sword can separate them from His love, (Ro 8:35)
 surely no doubt can remain that Holy Communion
which once again in God's providence is
much more frequented even from early childhood,
may become a source of that fortitude which
not infrequently makes Christians into heroes".

 Pius XII
Written during WWII
1943 Encyclical Letter, Mystici Corporis Christi
(On the Mystical Body of Christ), #84

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