
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Learn in His company


 St. John Baptiste de La Salle was fueled by a life of prayer
centered on our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament:
“Learn from Jesus
by often being
in His company.”

St John Baptiste de La Salle
France ~ 1651-1719
Founder - The Brothers of Christian Schools
Created network of quality Christian schools
Called "the father of modern education"
Patron of educators
Feast Day - April 7

  "Be driven by the love of God because Jesus Christ died for all,
that those who live may live not for themselves but for Him,
who died and rose for them.   Above all, let your charity and zeal
show how you love the Church. Your work is for the Church,
which is the body of Christ." -  St John Baptist de La Salle

Ste John Baptiste de la Salle, ora pro nobis!

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