
Sunday, April 17, 2011


 Holy Week, the most solemn and intense period of worship in the Christian
faith, begins with Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion (the full name), the Sunday
before Easter. In spite of the spiritual gravity of Holy Week, it begins with joy. 
The Church celebrates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the Church
begins her commemorative pilgrimage with her Lord on His way to Calvary.
 Wear RED to Mass today!

"It is a fact that an age waxes or wanes
in proportion to the worship of the divine Eucharist.
It is there that is found the life and the measure
of its faith, its charity, and its vitality.

May the reign of the Eucharist
come about more and more.
For too long impiety and ingratitude
have been allowed to hold sway over the world!
Adveniat regnum tuum. Thy Kingdom come."

St. Peter Julian Eymard


How to make palm Crosses to tuck behind
picture frames of holy images
Palm Cross Drawings Copyright 2000 S. A. Keith of
Take a palm that is about 2 feet long and 1/2" wide (if it tapers at the top, this is good!). Hold the palm upright, so the tapered end points toward the ceiling.
Then bend the top end down and toward you so that the bend is about 5 or 6 inches from the bottom of the palm.
About a third of the way from the bend you just made, twist the section you've pulled down to the right, forming a right angle.
About an inch and a half away from the "stem" of the cross, bend this arm of the palm back behind the palm so that it is now facing to your left. Make the bend at a good length to form the right arm of the Cross.
Folding that same section at a point that equals the length on the right side, bend it on the left side and bring the end forward over what is now the front of the cross.
From the very center of the Cross, fold that arm up and to the upper right (in a "northeast" direction) so that it can wrap around where the upright post of the Cross and the right arm intersect.
Fold this down and to the left behind the Cross...
...and then fold it toward the right so that it is parallel and under the transverse arms of the Cross.
Bring it up behind the Cross again, this time folding it up toward the "northwest" direction.
Tuck the tapered end into the transverse section you made in step 7...
...and pull through.
Turn the Cross over; this side will be the front. Trim the tapered end if necessary, remembering that the palm is a sacramental and any part you trim away should be kept and respected as a sacramental! Use that piece for burning during storms.


  1. I made crosses in the car on the way home from Mass today -- an annual tradition! Wishing you a glorious day.

  2. Barbara: In such lovely and varied ways - you never stop loving the Lord! Thank you for the witness!
