
Monday, June 13, 2011

Satiation for all!


“The Bread of Heaven
every taste and hunger.”

 St Anthony of Padua
Italy ~ 1195-1231
nee Portugal
Priest, Wonder worker, Patron of the Poor
"Hammer of the Heretics"
FEAST DAY - June 13

"The spirit of humility is sweeter than honey,
and those who nourish themselves
with this honey produce sweet fruit." ~ St Anthony

Ste Anthony, ora pro nobis!
Pope Pius XII named St. Anthony a Doctor of the Universal Church, that is, one of the great Christian teachers of all time—and a renowned preacher of God’s word. In fact, Anthony was such a famous preacher that in 1228—at age 33—he was invited to preach before Pope Gregory IX. Afterwards, the pope called Anthony the “Ark of the Testament.” Anthony revealed such a grasp of God’s word that, in the eyes of the pope, he seemed to “contain” within himself the whole of Sacred Scripture.

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