
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Given to contemplating and listening

FEAST of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel*
*Title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary,
in her role as patroness of the Carmelite Order
July 16
The Carmelites see in the Blessed Virgin Mary a perfect model of the interior
life of prayer and contemplation to which Carmelites aspire, a model of virtue,
as well as the person who was closest in life to Jesus Christ. She is seen as the
one who points Christians most surely to Christ, saying to all what she says to the
servants at the wedding at Cana, "Do whatever He [Jesus] tells you."
Carmelites look to Mary as spiritually their mother and sister.
Contemplating Mary, we will understand better
the transforming force that the Eucharist possesses.
Listening to her, we will find in the Eucharistic
mystery the courage and strength
to follow Christ the Good Shepherd
and to serve Him in our brothers.”
Pope Ven. John Paul II
June 10, 2004
Devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel is expressed through the scapular. Whoever receives the scapular becomes a member of the order and pledges to live according to its spirituality in accordance with the characteristics of his/her state in life.
To clarify the meaning and privileges of the Brown Scapular: "The scapular is a Marian habit or garment. It is both a sign and pledge. A sign of belonging to Mary; a pledge of her motherly protection, not only in this life but after death. As a sign, it is a conventional sign signifying three elements strictly joined: first, belonging to a religious family particularly devoted to Mary, especially dear to Mary, the Carmelite Order; second, consecration to Mary, devotion to and trust in her Immaculate Heart; third an incitement to become like Mary by imitating her virtues, above all her humility, chastity, and spirit of prayer." ~ Fr. Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD

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