
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy indeed!

"Happy, indeed,
is she to whom it is given
to share this sacred banquet,
to cling with all her heart to Him
whose beauty all the heavenly hosts
admire unceasingly,
whose love inflames our love,
whose contemplation is our refreshment,
whose graciousness is our joy,
whose gentleness fills us to overflowing,
whose remembrance brings a gentle light,
whose fragrance will revive the dead,
whose glorious vision will be the happiness
of all the citizens of the heavenly Jerusalem."
Letter of St Clare of Assisi to St Agnes of Bohemia - (Letter IV)

ST CLARE of Assisi
Italy ~ 1194-1253
Foundress of Poor Clare Sisters
FEAST DAY – August 11

"They say that we are too poor, but can a heart which
possesses the infinite God be truly called poor?" ~ St Clare

Sta Clare of Assisi, ora pro nobis!

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