
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thrilled with love and dread alike

Joos van Cleve (Dutch artist, 1485-1540)
"Your light shone upon me in its brilliance, and I thrilled with love and dread alike.  I realized that I was far away from You.  It was as though I were in a land where all is different from Your own and I heard Your voice calling from on high saying,

'I am the food of full-grown men.  Grow and you shall feed on Me.  But you shall not change Me into your own substance, as you do with food of your body.  Instead, you shall be changed into Me.' "  

St Augustine, Confessions
St Augustine
Bishop, Doctor of the Church
North Africa ~ 354-430
Recalling - FEAST DAY - August 28*
  *Since today is SUNDAY, it is the fundamental feast to celebrate.
In the words of a fourth century homily,
the "the Lord's Day" is "the lord of days".

“If you believe what you like in the gospel,and reject what you don’t like,
it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself.”~  St. Augustine of Hippo
Ste Augustine, ora pro nobis!

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