
Monday, August 1, 2011

To console every person...

   Fr. Gustavo Domenech celebrating mass in the mountains during “convivencia”

Fr. Gustavo Domenech celebrating holy Mass in the mountains
  “Jesus seems continually to exclaim from the altar:
Come to Me, all you who work hard and who carry
heavy burdens and I will refresh you (Mt 11:28).
Come, He says, come you who are poor;
come, you who are infirm;
come, you who are afflicted;
come, you who are just and you who are sinners,
and you shall find in Me a remedy
for all your losses and afflictions.
This is the desire of Jesus Christ:
to console every person who calls upon Him.”
St Alphonsus Ligouri
Italy ~ 1696 - 1787
Lawyer before ordination as priest (age 30)
Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Founder of Redemptorist order
Prolific writer and gifted in the fine arts
FEAST DAY - August 1


Someone once remarked, after a sermon of Alphonsus,
“It is a pleasure to listen to your sermons;
you forget yourself and preach Jesus Christ.”

Ste Alphonsus Ligouri, ora pro nobis!

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