
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Follow Me

Prayer after Communion in today’s Liturgy 

Father, in this Eucharist we have shared the joy of
salvation which Saint Matthew knew when he welcomed
your Son.  May this food renew us in Christ, who
came to call not the just but sinners to salvation
in His kingdom where He is Lord forever and ever.
St Matthew
"And he got up and followed Him" (Mt 9:9b) ...
"leaving everything behind" (Lk 5:28)
Apostle and Evangelist
"the son of Alphaeus" (Mk 2:14)
FEAST DAY - September 21
Imitate St Matthew - get up and follow Jesus.
Then invite sinners to meet Him.
"What reason can the Teacher have for eating with tax collectors
and those who disregard the law?" —Matthew 9:11
Cause heaven to rejoice (Luke 15:7).
St Matthew, ora pro nobis!

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