
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Solemnity of All Saints

“Everyone who has this hope based on Him
keeps himself pure, as He is pure.” – I John 3:3
Solemnity of All Saints*
November 1
We are called to remember all of the saints, known and unknown,
whose lives have served as holy examples for us.
"To become saints means to fulfill completely what we already are, raised to
the dignity of God's adopted children in Christ Jesus..."  Pope Benedict XVI
Christ Glorified in the Court of Heaven
Fra Angelico - 1428-30, Tempera on wood - National Gallery, London
            "Saints of God, perfected in love and victorious over sin, who now enjoy the reward of adoring Our Lord face to face in everlasting JOY and GLORY: 
            Be gracious to remember us, flawed and failing, who still struggle on earth, who kneel here adoring Our Lord hidden in the tabernacle, who long for the day when we too will be made like Him and will see Him as He is.
              Gather around us here in His Eucharistic Presence to strengthen us with your prayers and to enrich our feeble worship with the mighty chorus of your praise.  Teach us by your example to love Him above all things, so that we too may become the pure in heart to see God, who enjoy with you the eternal blessed fellowship of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." 

From Jesus, We Adore You,
Prayers Before the Blessed Sacrament 
Paul Thigpen
*Origin of All Saint's Day as a feast of the Church
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