
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Come, and you will see

Jesus turned and saw them following Him and said to them, "What are you looking for?" “Rabbi” – which translated means Teacher – “where are you staying?”  He said to them, “Come, and you will see.”  So they went and saw where Jesus was staying, and they stayed with Him that day.”  John 1: 38,39    (From today's Gospel)

“Jesus, Food of strong souls,
strengthen me, purify me.
make me godlike.”

St Gemma Galgani


  1. Jeanette, A Belated Happy New Year to you and yours! I hope this finds you doing well.

    Thank you for today's posting, it is beautiful and so is the picture. I haven't had the opportunity to read all the others but am trying. You always seem to offer the right words and images that uplift the soul.

    A blessed Sunday to you and yours :)
    John K.

  2. Greetings, John - Somehow I was 'locked out' for several days in my ability to respond to your comment. Cyberspace with an attitude! I have missed the regularity of your comments! Hoping all is well with you and those you care for... and Happiest of New Years to you too!
