
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Consuming zeal for souls

The Good Shepherd ~ Artist: Minerva Teichert
 “The offspring of this intensity of love
for our Eucharistic Lord
should be a consuming zeal
for the gathering of souls
into the fold of Christ.”
St Katharine Drexel
American ~ 1858 - 1955
Foundress - Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
aka 'the anti-Margaret Sanger'
FEAST DAY - March 3
 “And here is the passive way – to be filled unto the fullness of God. The passive way – I abandon myself to it, not in a multiplicity of trials, extraordinary penances accomplished, practices of great works – but in peaceful abandonment to the tenderness of Jesus, which I must try to imitate, and by being in constant union with His meek and humble heart."  ~ St Katharine Drexel
St Katharine Drexel, ora pro nobis!

More on St Katharine: 
Click here: Catholic Fire: St. Katharine Drexel: Brief Biography and Lenten Spiritual Helps

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