
Monday, March 12, 2012

Jesus has set His tent among us!

Come let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us.
For he is our God, and we are the people he shepherds, the flock he guides. 
Psalm 95:6-7

Photo credit:  Jay Mather ~ South Bronx (1982)

“After the sisters have finished their day – carrying out their service of love in the company of Jesus, and through Jesus - we have an hour of prayer and of Eucharistic adoration.  Throughout the day we have been in contact with Jesus through His image of sorrow in the poor and the lepers.  When the day ends, we come in contact with Him again in the tabernacle by means of prayer.  The tabernacle is the guarantee that Jesus has set His tent among us.

Every moment of prayer, especially before our Lord in the tabernacle, is a sure, positive gain.  The time we spend in having our daily audience with God is the most precious part of the whole day.”

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
From In the Heart of the World (pgs 103-04)

What a beautiful daily practice to consider as you continue on your Lenten journey!

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