
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hearkening the Word

"Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord."
(Option for dismissal at end of Mass)

"We come to Holy Mass to hearken to the words of the Word, to be wounded by them, to be espoused by them in such a way that, as the one Body of Christ, we are drawn upward with our Divine Head to the Father in the Holy Spirit.  A listening Church will be one in which Saint Paul's goal for the Corinthians is necessarily fulfilled: 'power to attend upon the Lord, without impediment' (1 Cor 7:35)." 

Dom Mark Daniel Kirby, Prior of Silverstream Priory
Stamullen, County Meath, Ireland

“The Word of God is not brought to the ends of the world in a suitcase.  We carry it in ourselves.  We don’t set it off in a corner of ourselves, arranged in our memory as if on a cupboard shelf.  We must let it go to the very core of ourselves, to the very center around which our whole being revolves.  We cannot be missionaries if we have not sincerely, generously, and warmly welcomed the Word of God, the Gospel within ourselves.  The vital dynamic of this word is to take flesh, to become flesh in us.  And when this word comes to dwell within us, we become capable of being missionaries… Once we have heard God’s Word, we no longer have the right not to accept it; once we have accepted it, we no longer have the right not to let it become flesh in us; once it has become flesh in us, we no longer have the right to keep it for ourselves alone.  Henceforward, we belong to all those who are waiting for the Word.” - Madeleine Delbrel, Servant of God, 20th c Fr mystic

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