
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Renewing the world!

 ...Conduct yourselves with reverence during the time of your sojourning,
 realizing that you were ransomed from your futile conduct,
handed on by your ancestors,
not with perishable things like silver or gold
but with the precious blood of Christ... I Peter 1:17-19

Fr David Toups

"In the Middle Ages there was a legend that it was on the hill of Golgotha that Adam was buried, and that out of his tomb grew the tree on which God hung.  Adam is humanity, once glorious and now fallen; Christ is the new Adam, the new humanity, which was fallen but is now through him made glorious again, rising out of the grave of the old.  When Christ took the cup he was strengthened in power; but it was the power that brings life through pity; and whenever a man takes the cup in company with him he too is made strong in the same power, and the power goes forth from him despite himself, and through him the nations are healed, the world is renewed, matter is redeemed and sanctified."

Gerald Vann, O.P.
The Water and the Fire (pg 186)
Sheed and Ward (1954)


  1. Hi Janette,

    I found your blog mentioned at Esther's blog, A Catholic Mom in Hawaii and I came over to say hello! My eyes were immediately drawn to your header. Love the picture! It's "nice to meet you"!

  2. Good morning, Noreen! Appreciate that you took time to chronicle your visit. Visit often - and another option is receiving these reflections daily via email - sign up at May all come to know, love and serve our Eucharistic Lord more and more! Truly, the Eucharist will unite the Body of Christ!
