
Monday, June 11, 2012

Here is Christ!

Supper at Emmaus ~ Carl Heinrich Bloch

    "Visitors to the Church say they ‘feel the difference’, though they know nothing about the Eucharist, as they might feel heat and know not the nature of fire.  But to the faithful members of Christ's Mystical Body, here is Christ!

    Before His Eucharistic presence, the downcast eyes of sin find wealth of purging tears; here the heart wounded by betraying loves breaks its silence to the invitation of the Living Saviour: ‘Child, give Me thy heart’. Here the knee is humbled in genuflection and the heart exalted in adoration; here priests make their ‘Holy Hour’ in answer to the invitation of their Lord in the Garden. Here is the trysting place of love, for this is the ‘bread which is come down from heaven’ (St John 6:41-42) and will remain with us ‘unto the consummation of the world’ (St Matthew 28:20). Here Emmaus lives again as His disciples recognize Him in the breaking of the bread." 

Archbishop Fulton J Sheen

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