
Monday, June 4, 2012

Rendezvous with God

"The Mass is the greatest of all love songs.  It is our rendezvous with God, where He comes to us joyfully and gladly. …

What has already begun through other kinds of prayer is now brought to fulfillment at Mass.  God and humanity become one in a strange and incredible mystery that only a lover like God could conceive.  The Mass is the incarnation of His immense love, and it is also the incarnation of our response:  God and human beings are in communion. …

I am always especially joyful when I go to Communion, cognizant of the great mystery happening there.  For me, the symbols of bread and wine dissolve and disappear into the reality of Christ’s body and blood.  I receive God in a mysterious way.  He comes to me in order to be united with me.  When I receive from the chalice, it is difficult for me to let go of it.  The symbolism has vanished, and only the blood of Christ remains.  I want to hold on to it as long as I can."

Catherine de Hueck Doherty (1896-1985)
Excerpt from Soul of My Soul: 
Reflections from a Life of Prayer (pgs 93,94)

Sometime in the month of June ...
invite someone to attend Mass with you!
What a fitting gift to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!


  1. Yes, good stuff - to read - and to live! May we grow more and more to know, love and serve our Eucharistic Lord!
