
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Grant me five graces...

"If you can not soar up as high as Christ sitting on His throne,
behold Him hanging on His cross. Rest in Christ's Passion
and live willingly in His holy wounds." ~ Thomas à Kempis, Imitation of Christ

Angels Bearing Instruments of the Passion (detail from altarpiece)
Rogier van der Weyden (+1464)

"Oh, my God, through the precious Blood of Jesus
and His five wounds,
grant me today five graces:  the conversion of a sinner,
the conversion of an unbeliever, the salvation of someone
dying in peril of everlasting death; a vocation to the priesthood
or to the religious life; and, for some new soul, the grace
of entering into and savoring the mystery of the Eucharist."

Prayer of Elisabeth Leseur (+1914)


 Let us especially be mindful of and in prayer for the hundreds of
Catechumens and Candidates who will fully enter the
Catholic Church and her sacramental life during the Easter Vigil.
John 10:10

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