
Monday, April 15, 2013

Loving - and living - the Mass!

Saint Josemaría Escriva taught, and he himself lived, a radical dedication of one’s life to God in the holy Mass. ...

"We should love the Mass and make it the center of our day. If we attend Mass well, surely we are likely to think about our Lord during the rest of the day, wanting to be always in his presence, ready to work as He worked and love as He loved" (Christ Passing By, 154).

“Let us ask our Lord, then, to make us souls devoted to the blessed Eucharist, so that our relationship with Him brings forth joy and serenity and a desire for justice. In this way we will make it easier for others to recognize Christ; we will put Christ at the center of all human activities. And Jesus’ promise will be fulfilled: ‘I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself'" (Christ Passing By, 156). 

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