
Thursday, May 30, 2013

"He whom I carried likewise carried me."

 Solemnity of Corpus Christi*
Traditionally ~ Thursday after Trinity Sunday
Now ~ also celebrated Sunday after Trinity Sunday
Corpus Christi Procession ~ Spycimierz, Poland (2012)
"The climax of the Cure's (St John Vianney) ardent love for the Eucharist came on Corpus Christi … He had already encouraged as many homes as possible to build altars of repose so that the parish would be blessed by a multiplicity of Benedictions.  There were altar boys, flower girls, and a huge procession of all the people … Never did he weary of carrying the heavy monstrance. “Why should I tire?” he questioned a sympathizer.  ‘He whom I carried likewise carried me.’  The only joy that could approach that of Corpus Christi was the joy of Holy Thursday, when he used to remain all night on his knees in silent adoration.”

~ The Cure of Ars, Fr Bartholomew O’Brien
*Pope to Lead Corpus Christi Procession in Rome
ROME, May 29, 2013 ( - On Thursday, May 30, Pope Francis will preside over the Eucharistic celebration, on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi in the courtyard of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran. At the end of the Mass, the traditional procession will take place to the nearby Basilica of Saint Mary Major, from where the Pontiff will impart the solemn Eucharistic Blessing.
This celebration is of particular importance in this Year of Faith, during which we are called to give witness of our Faith in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament as well as on the streets of our city,” said Cardinal Vicar Vallini.
A special plenary indulgence is available for Corpus Christi:

Grant #7.1.3
Eucharistic Adoration and Procession
Plenary indulgence

The faithful who piously participate in solemn Eucharistic procession, either inside or outside of a Church, especially on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, may receive a plenary indulgence.

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