
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pentecost - sanctified and transformed

 In honor of the Holy Spirit - wear RED to holy Mass today!

Today is Pentecost. It is not merely a reminder of a past event, but a continuation of the Spirit renewing the face of the earth (Psalm 104:30). Today's Pentecost will not be a shadow of the first Pentecost, rather the first Pentecost is a shadow of today's Pentecost. God's grace is abounding all the more (Romans 5:20). The Spirit is not diminishing His work in our world, but increasing it. It will not be only thousands who come to Jesus today (Acts 2:41), but millions. The waters of the Spirit become deeper as they flow further around the world and into history (Ezekiel 47:5). 
 Come, Holy Spirit, Come!
Pentecost ~ Istvan Dorffmaister

St Cyril of Jerusalem, in his Catecheses, states that we
"call upon God in His mercy
to send His Holy Spirit
upon the offerings before us,
to transform the bread into the Body of Christ
and the wine into the Blood of Christ.
Whatever the Holy Spirit touches is
sanctified and completely transformed."
"Dear brothers and sisters,
We need to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by the light of the Holy Spirit, so that he may bring us into the Truth of God, who is the only Lord of our lives. In this Year of Faith let us ask ourselves if we have taken any concrete steps to know more about Christ and the truth of the faith, by reading and meditating on the Scripture, studying the Catechism, approaching the Sacraments with constancy.
But let us ask ourselves at the same time, what steps are we taking so that faith may guide all our existence. One isn't a Christian "part time", at certain moments, in certain circumstances, in some choices. One cannot be a Christian like this. One is a Christian at all times!  Totally! The truth of Christ, which the Holy Spirit teaches us and gives us, forever and totally affects our daily lives. Let us invoke him more often so that he may guide us on the road of the disciples of Christ. Let us invoke him every day. I make this proposal to you: let us invoke the Holy Spirit every day, thus the Holy Spirit will draw us close to Jesus Christ. Thank you!"
Pope Francis – Wednesday Audience, 5/16/13

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