
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A kiss of gladness

"It is a kiss of gladness, that he should have been granted
the honour and happiness of celebrating the Mass."
- Bl Hyacinth Cormier, Dominican friar (+1916)
Pope Francis

"The priest kisses the sacred altar to show that when Christ came to us, He joined holy Church to Himself:  as it is said in the bridal song, Let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth

And he places his hands upon the altar to show that charity, which is denoted by the kiss, must be supported by good works."
Bishop of Mende, France
The one who is to sing the Mass kisses the altar on first approaching it. 
He does this so that he may speak words of true peace to the people. 
And coming, he preached peace to you that were far off,
and peace to them that were nigh. - St Albert the Great

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