
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Balm to every wound

Peter said to him, "Jesus Christ heals you. 
Get up and take care of your mat." - Acts 9:34


St. Elizabeth Ann Seton received great solace
by bringing her sorrows to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
and speaking heart to heart with Him there:

"How sweet, the presence of Jesus
to the longing and harassed soul!
He is instant peace and balm to every wound."

St Elizabeth Ann Seton
United States ~ 1774-1821
Convert to Catholicism
Three basic points led her to become a Catholic:
1)belief in the Real Presence,
2) devotion to the Blessed Mother,
3) conviction that the Catholic Church led
back to the apostles and to Christ.
Mother, Widow, Educator, Religious
 Established schools and orphanages
Foundress of Sisters of Charity
Two great devotions: 1) Abandonment to  God's Will
2) Ardent devotion to the Blessed Sacrament
Feast Day - January 4

“The gate of heaven is very low; 
only the humble can enter it.” - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

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