
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

40 day challenge

"The earth is filled with tabernacles -
Praise Him!" - St Luigi Guanella

"How beautiful to see
the people of God
praying before the
Blessed Sacrament exposed."

St Luigi Guanella

What is missing in this photo?....  Perhaps it is you!

One week from today is ASH WEDNESDAY !
What is your plan?

Several years ago a priest offered a reminder that Lent is a time of intentionally deepening one's relationship with Christ.  Then he continued: "What is it that you long to do every day to accomplish this, but because of your station in life, work/school commitments, current demand of circumstances, health issues, etc, you sense an inability or hesitation to do so?"  And then, one short breath later, the real challenge: "But... couldn't you do 'that' for 40 short days?"

I knew immediately what 'that' was:  I longed to pray a Holy Hour every day.  I fulfilled that pledge that Lenten season by traveling to different Adoration Chapels each day, as a happy pilgrim traveling to be with her Lord.  Although my diocese is filled with several Chapels, making this somewhat easier to accomplish, it took planning - and especially since my husband and son wanted in on the experience too.  This Lenten tradition has joyfully remained.  My heart continues to long toward offering a Holy Hour every day, and someday I trust this will be a reality.  After all, that's just 365 short days, right?

Listen to the echo of this good priest's wisdom - and perhaps there is a Lenten challenge there for you too! - Janette +JMJ+


  1. Yes Janette, it's a part of my Lenten challenge too...40 days atleast few minutes to meet my 'bestest' friend in person in the Adoration Chapel and then to make it a life-long habit to adore Him! Keep me in your prayers!

  2. Greetings, Ruth - thank you for this response and encouragement. Yes - prayers - one for the other. You have found your way into my heart of prayer - no way out!
