
Friday, February 7, 2014

Arise, make haste...

 Thus says the Lord:  Let whoever is thirsty come to me and drink. 
Streams of living water will flow from within the one
who believes in me. - Cf Jn 7:37-38 (Today's Communion Antiphon)


"To every soul that visits Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament,
He addresses the words which He said to the Sacred Spouse:
Arise, make haste, my love, my dove,
my beautiful one, and come (Cant. 2:10).  ...

You, O soul, that visits Me, 'arise' from your miseries;
I am here to enrich you with graces. 
'Make haste,' approach, come near Me; fear not My majesty,
which has humbled itself in this Sacrament in order
to take away your fear, and to give you confidence. 
'My beloved,' you are no longer My enemy,
but My friend since you love Me and I love you. 
'My beautiful one,' My grace has made you fair. 
'And come,' draw near and cast yourself into My arms,
and ask Me with the greatest confidence
for whatever you will."

St. Alphonsus Liguori, The Holy Eucharist, 8
Doctor of the Church


  1. I like this too, Ruth. There is goodness, truth and beauty in the reality that our Lord continually, continually beckons us. OH, that I could remember this when I forget it most.
