
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Souls of prayer are souls of silence

"It is very hard to pray if one does not know how.  We must help
ourselves to learn.  The most important thing is silence.
Souls of prayer are souls of silence." - Bl Mother Teresa of Calcutta


"God is the friend of silence.  We need to find God, but we cannot find Him in noise, in excitement.  See how nature, the trees, the flowers, the grass grow in deep silence.  See how the stars, the moon and the sun move in silence.

The more we receive in our silent prayer, the more we can give in our active life.  Silence gives us a new way of looking at everything.  We need this silence in order to touch souls.  The essential thing is not what we say but what God says to us and what He says through us. "

Bl Mother Teresa of Calcutta
The Love of Christ: Spiritual Counsels, Mother Teresa of Calcutta (8,9)

Lent begins this year March 5, 2014
Perhaps God is preparing us to grow in the discipline of prayer, of silence.
Perhaps He would use daily Mass or daily Adoration during Lent to do this.
Let us be open to this possibility, let us be open to this call to discipline.

Maronite Monks of Adoration ~ Most Holy Trinity Monastery ~ Petersham, Massachusetts ~ USA

"The fruit of SILENCE is prayer.
The fruit of PRAYER is faith.
The fruit of FAITH is love.
The fruit of LOVE is service.
The fruit of SERVICE is peace."

Bl Mother Teresa of Calcutta


  1. Good morning, Barbara! - Agree - Wow - and to live it is an even bigger WOW! Bl Mother Teresa called this her 'calling card'. When others passed out their business cards, she passed a similar sized card with this written on it.

  2. Absolutely beautiful...and true. I have chosen *silence* as my *word* this practice it more and more in my daily life. I have been posting reflections on Wednesdays on the practice of silence from many inspiring books that have helped me.

    "It is very hard to pray if one does not know how. We must help ourselves to learn. The most important thing is silence. Souls of prayer are souls of silence." LOVE this.


  3. Good morning, Theresa - I know where I will visit each Wednesday! - THANK YOU! Let us together desire and pursue that spacious and holy place of silence - and most especially in the Presence of our Eucharistic LORD.
