
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Good Shepherd - nourishes, guards, guides

Fourth Sunday of Easter
We, your people, the flock of your pasture,
will give you thanks for ever and ever; we will tell your praise
from age to age, alleluia! - Psalm 79:13 

"We adore You, Jesus,
eternal Shepherd of the human race. 
You are present in the Eucharist
to dwell continually
in the midst of Your people. 
You nourish us,
You guard us,
You guide us to the heavenly fold."

Ven. James Alberione


“Every vocation, even within the variety of paths, always requires an exodus from oneself in order to centre one’s life on Christ and on his Gospel. Both in married life and in the forms of religious consecration, as well as in priestly life, we must surmount the ways of thinking and acting that do not conform to the will of God. It is an ‘exodus that leads us on a journey of adoration of the Lord and of service to Him in our brothers and sisters’ (Address to the International Union of Superiors General, 8 May 2013). Therefore, we are all called to adore Christ.”

Pope Francis, Message for 51st World Day of Prayer for Vocations  

Let us pray that men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood, diaconate, religious life, societies of apostolic life or secular institutes. Check out these many resources to promote a culture of vocations on the USCCB Web site (
Blessed Mother’s Day to all!

Some have had kings in their lineage,
Some to whom honor was paid.
Not blest of my ancestors - but,
I have a mother who prays.

I have a mother who prays for me
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
Oh what a difference it makes for me - 
I have a mother who prays.

Some have worldly success
And trust in riches they've made - 
This is my surest asset,
I have a mother who prays.

My mother's prayers cannot save me,
Only mine can avail;
But mother introduced me to Someone - 
Someone who never could fail.

Oh yes..I have a mother who prays for me
And pleads with the Lord every day for me.
O what a difference it makes for me - 
I have a mother who prays.

Author Unknown

...but, indeed, we know what to do ...
"A partnership with God is motherhood.
What beauty, what love, what self control
Must belong to her who helps God
fashion an immortal soul!" (Author Unknown)

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