
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

"I want God too!"

"It is one thing to love God and another thing actually
to feel the joy of His presence." - Servant of God Elisabeth Leseur


"When I was still a child" - she testified - "and before I was old enough to receive Jesus in Communion, I used to rush to the front door to greet my mother when she returned from Mass. There I stood on tiptoe to reach up to her and cried, 'I want God too!'

My mother would bend down and softly breathe on my lips; I immediately left her, and placing my hands across my chest, full of joy and faith, jumping for joy I would keep repeating: 'I have received God too! I have received God too!' "

Blessed Maria Candida of the Eucharist, O.C.D (1884-1949)

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