
Friday, June 27, 2014

Core of Christianity: Heart of Jesus

His love endures forever! (cf. Ps 136)

"The very core of Christianity is expressed in the heart of Jesus ... the Love that saves us and even now makes us live in the eternity of God (John 3:16).  ... God's heart calls to our hearts, inviting us to come out of ourselves, to forsake our human certainties, to trust in Him and by following His example, to make ourselves a gift of unbounded love."  ~ Pope Benedict XVI

"I am linked with Eternal Love through the Blessed Sacrament.  In His temple within me, the Saviour has revealed His goodness and kindness to me.  I have received the inestimable alms of God.  His love urges me...

So, for all mankind, I beg Your Eternal Love.  Let me pour out this Love into the hearts of all.  Let me welcome with compassion the poor, the oppressed, the rejected, those in danger, and lead them to You, the Good Shepherd.  Grant me this grace through the Blessed Sacrament, the source of Your human-divine love.

... Never have I been able to separate the devotion of the Sacred Heart from that of the Blessed Sacrament.  ... When you are appealing to His Divine Heart for a soul, He will never refuse you, although sometimes He demands much prayer, sacrifice and suffering." 

Blessed Maria Droste
Good Shepherd Sister

Our Lord made known to Bl Maria that He wanted the entire universe consecrated to His Heart and that  she was to request this of the Holy Father.  She carried out this delicate task in June, 1898, and again, on the insistence of our Lord, in January, 1899.  "My mission on earth will be completed as soon as the consecration is accomplished", she said to her confessor.  And so it was.  Shortly before her death (June 8, 1899) Bl Maria received news of the publication of the encyclical ANNUM SACRUM with the decree of consecration of the entire human race to the Sacred Heart (Pope Leo XIII) on June 11, 1899. 

 Jesus meek and humble of Heart,
make our hearts like unto Thine!

ORDAINED to the Holy Priesthood of Jesus Christ TODAY
Friday, June 27, 2014
Oh, day of Love Divine, all loves excelling! 
An Old German saying:
It is worth wearing out a pair of shoes to walk
to receive a priest's First Blessing!

Rev Mr David Gaines ~ Diocese of Spokane (Washington)
Rev Mr Paul Heric ~ Diocese of Spokane
Rev Mr Brian Sattler ~ Diocese of Spokane
Rev Mr Curtis Seidel~ Diocese of Spokane
Rev Mr Dale Tuckerman~ Diocese of Spokane
St Aloysius Church ~ 6:30 PM Mass

Let us hold them in prayer and offer thanksgiving for their 'YES'!
"The priest is another Christ: Alter Christus, he is Jesus Himself;
he has the same work as Jesus to accomplish;
he must be the same." ~ Dom de Roton, OSB

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