
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dictated by the Holy Spirit...

One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. -Psalm 27:4

"Better to pray one psalm with devotion and compunction
than a hundred with distraction." - St Romuald

Saint Romuald was frequently moved to tears during the celebration of Mass, such was his experience of Jesus in the Consecration. From his biography written by Saint Peter Damian just fifteen years after his death:

“Frequently he was seized by so great a contemplation of divinity that he would be reduced to tears with the boiling, indescribable heat of divine love. In this condition he would cry out: Beloved Jesus, beloved, sweet honey, indescribable longing, delight of the saints, sweetness of angels, and other things of this kind. We are unable to express the ecstasy of these utterances, dictated by the Holy Spirit.”

St Romuald
Italy ~ 950 - 1027
Monk , Founder of Camoldese Order
Feast Day - June 19


From the writings of Saint Damian: “St. Romuald built many other monasteries, and continued three years at one he founded near Parenzo, one year in the community to settle it, and two in a neighboring cell. Here he labored some time under a spiritual dryness, not being able to shed one tear; but he ceased not to continue his devotions with greater fervor. At last being in his cell, at those words of the psalmist, "I will give thee understanding, and will instruct thee," he was suddenly visited by God with an extraordinary light and spirit of compunction, which from that time never left him. By a supernatural light, the fruit of prayer, he understood the holy scriptures, and wrote an exposition of the psalms full of admirable unction. He often foretold things to come, and gave directions full of heavenly wisdom to all who came to consult him, especially to his religious who frequently came to ask his advice on how to advance in virtue, and how to resist temptations. He always sent them back to their cells full of an extraordinary cheerfulness."

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