
Friday, July 4, 2014

Returning His visit...

...everlasting joy will crown their heads.  Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. - Isaiah 35: 10
Getty Images - Credit: John Moore
"Jesus comes to visit me
each morning in Holy Communion. 
I return His visit to Him
in the poor."
Bl Pier-Giorgio Frassati
 Italy ~ 1901-1925
"Man of the Eight Beatitudes"
Patron of World Youth Days
Motto:  Verso l'alto - "To the heights!"
FEAST DAY - July 4
“To live without faith, without a patrimony to defend,
without a steady struggle for truth, that is not living, but merely existing;
we must never just "exist". - Bl Pier-Giorgio
 *To this day, Frassati´s body remains incorrupt: "When they opened
Pier Giorgio´s tomb in 1981, his body was perfectly preserved,"
recalled one witness. "He had a smile on his face and a rosary in his hands.
It was like meeting him for the first time."
 Bl Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us!
4th of July: Blessed Independence Day:
Let freedom ring !
Today we make again our own
The hope which Christ, our life, has sown:
In fertile fields and streets of stone,
Let freedom ring!
Where Justice works amid the weed
Of rampart want and choking greed,
To loose the voice of human need,
Let freedom ring!
Where Mercy's fingers, slashed and torn,
Untangle love from twisted thorn
Of anger, disbelief and scorn,
Let freedom ring!
Where hearts imprisoned toil and weep,
Our founders' dreams still trouble sleep
With harvests we have yet to reap:
Let freedom ring!
In Christ, we tend what God has planned,
With justice, mercy, truth in hand
Till joy sings out through all the land:
Let freedom ring!

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