
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Having a "Eucharistic soul"

 ... I sing in the shadow of your wings. 
My soul clings to you... - Psalm 63:7b,8a

Saint Josemaría Escriva often talked about the need for Christian life to be essentially Eucharistic. He summed it up in a classic phrase: having a “Eucharistic soul”.  He never failed to tell people:

“As often as you can, escape to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, to keep Him company, even for just a few seconds.

And tell Him with all your soul that you love Him, that you want to love Him more, and that you love Him for all the people on earth, including those who say they don't love Him.”

St Josemaría often prayed and sang the hymn Adoro te devote, “O Godhead hid”.
He advised his spiritual children, in order to increase their faith in the Eucharist, to say it and meditate on it every Thursday, asking our Lord to increase the piety of all Christians.

Anyone willing to take up this Saint's challenge?!


  1. Absolutely : )

    Beautiful reflection.

    Blessings ~ Theresa

  2. Theresa - we learn with and as the young pictured here on this one - escaping to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament - to express our love and pledge it deeper still - and perhaps understand it better ourselves at the visits.....
