
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Remaining still, full of faith...

Be still before the LORD and
wait patiently for him: do not fret... - Psalm 37:7

"We should go to prayer with deep humility
and an awareness of our nothingness.
We must invoke the help of the Holy Spirit
and that of our good angel,
and then remain still in God's presence,
full of faith that He is more in us
than we are in ourselves."
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
France ~ 1572-1641
Widow of the Baron of Chantal, mother of seven
 Founded the Order of the Visitation Sisters 
with St. Francis de Sales - 1610
Motto of Visitation Sisters:  Live Jesus!
Honored by the Church for the holiness of her youth,
of her married life, of her widowhood, and of her religious life

“Eagerness to ‘Live Jesus!’ will enable us to exercise
holy love in all things, great or small.” – St Jane Frances de Chantal
St Jane de Chantal, pray for us!

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