
Monday, October 13, 2014

Our silent core...

 “In the silence of the heart God speaks.  If you face God 
in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. ... Souls of prayer 
are souls of great silence.”Bl Mother Teresa of Calcutta

"Our own silence is not disagreeable to God; it does not repel Him.  He listens to the longing deep within our soul. With God we must learn a new language of love in which words are often unnecessary. ...

Our longing for Him hides beneath words. A bedraggled, branded spirit may be the reality of the day, the humbling truth of the current hour.  But it does not preclude a cry of love from the silent core of our being. ...

There is in a sense no option.  One cannot seek God after a while except inside a greater density of interior silence in prayer where there is no help from words, no distinct utterance that would predictably cast open a door.  The soul can only wait in a poverty of speech."
Father Donald Haggerty
Professor of Moral Theology
Capuchin Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Ethiopia
Contemplative Provocations (Ignatius Press)


  1. Janette...what a beautiful quote on silence. I have never heard of him but it sounds like a good book! I need to reflect on this a bit more.

    Have a blessed week.

  2. Theresa - In your reflection of silence, you practice silence... savor the moments!
