
Monday, February 9, 2015

Holy Eucharist as PRAYER

“The Holy Eucharist is 
our most powerful prayer.” – Fr John A Hardon

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“We are so accustomed to praying at the Sacrifice of the Mass, praying when we receive Holy Communion, and praying before the Blessed Sacrament, that we are liable to forget, and what a lapse of memory this would be, that before, long before, we attach prayer to the Eucharist, we should identify the Holy Eucharist as prayer.  It is, and not just the indefinite article A prayer, it is THE prayer.  In fact, the most powerful source of grace we have on earth.”

Fr John A Hardon, S.J.
Servant of God (+2000)

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This upcoming Lenten season is an especially rich, grace-filled time in the preparation of those anticipating their First Holy Communion - both adult and child alike.  Let us remain in special remembrance and prayer for these individuals.  This autobiographical sketch of Fr Hardon is heartening and serves to assist in forming our prayers ...

"The most noticeable event of my childhood was my reception of First Holy Communion at the age of six. Sister Benedicta, a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame who prepared us for our first Holy Communion, told us,  'Whatever you ask Our Lord on your First Communion day, you will receive.'  When I returned to my pew after Communion, I immediately asked our Lord, 'Make me a priest.' I had only the faintest idea what I was saying, but I never forgot what Sister had told us to do.  When I was ordained twenty-six years later, my first sentiment was to thank Our Lord for hearing my prayers."  - Fr John A Hardon

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