
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Each drop, precious!

  "Love does not stay idle."
- St Catherine of Siena, Letter T82
Precious Blood,
Ocean of Divine Mercy:
Flow upon us! 

Precious Blood,
Most pure Offering:
Procure us every Grace! 

Precious Blood,
Hope and Refuge of sinners:
Atone for us! 

Precious Blood,
Delight of holy souls:
Draw us! Amen.

Prayer of
St Catherine of Siena
Italy  ~ 1347 -1380
Doctor of the Church
Reformer, mystic, writer
Third Order Dominican
FEAST DAY - April 29
“Be who God meant you to be and
you will set the world on fire.”  ~ St. Catherine of Siena

St Catherine of Siena, pray for us!


  1. Do you know who painted the picture of St. Catherine? It is beautiful. I wish I could find a print of it.

  2. Katherine - Sorry to say I don't know the source - not given... Found surfing... Agree - quite beautiful!
