
Saturday, May 23, 2015

"I am _____ of Jesus!"

 For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body
- whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free -
and we were all given one Spirit to drink. - I Cor 12:13
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"Sometimes, after Holy Communion, having Our Lord within me, I (Columba Marmion) follow in spirit His life, His successive states; I adore Him in the Father's bosom, in the pure bosom of the Virgin that He chose as His abode; I go to Bethlehem, to Nazareth, to the desert, to Calvary

I unite myself in this way to Jesus in each of His states, and in this contact with Him I receive the grace of all His mysteries.

Holy Communion makes us abide in Christ and He in us. You know the story of Saint Teresa of Avila and of the Infant Jesus.  Well, after Communion I say to Our Lord:  "I am Columba of Jesus!" and He could say to me:  "I am Jesus of Columba!"

Dom Raymund Thibault
Abbot Columba Marmion:
A Master of the Spiritual Life

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Remember to wear RED to Pentecost Mass
(Saturday anticipatory/Sunday)

God saved us through the baptism of new birth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
This Spirit he lavished on us through Jesus Christ our Savior...
Titus 3:5b, 6

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