
Sunday, June 21, 2015

Heart of Jesus reign!

"I want to repose in your heart, because many souls have
thrown Me out of their hearts today." - Jesus to St Faustina

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Prayer to the Sacred Heart
(St Francis de Sales)

May Thy Heart dwell always in our hearts!
May Thy Blood ever flow in the veins of our souls!
O sun of our hearts, Thou givest life
to all things by the rays of Thy goodness!
I will not go until Thy Heart has strengthened me, O Lord Jesus!
May the Heart of Jesus be the King of my heart!
Blessed be God.  Amen.

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St John Paul II, in a March 19, 1981, homily, asked,
“Where, dear father, will you be able to draw the energy necessary to assume in various circumstances the right attitude
that your children, even without knowing it, expect from you?”
He strongly advised against smothering their spontaneity
or abandoning them to a state of insecurity or loneliness. 
St. Joseph is the answer to this,” he proclaimed.

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"St Joseph was an ordinary sort of man 
on whom God relied to do great things.  
He did exactly what the Lord wanted him to do, 
in each and every event that went to make up his life." 
- St Josemaria Escriva

St Joseph, pray for all fathers!

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