
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Verso l'alto - "To the heights!"

...everlasting joy will crown their heads. 
Gladness and joy will overtake them,
and sorrow and sighing will flee away. - Isaiah 35: 10

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 When Pier Giorgio Frassati  was only 22 years old
he wrote in a letter to the Catholic Action group to...

"...approach the Eucharist Table
as often as possible.
When you become totally consumed
with the Eucharistic Fire
you will be able to taste that happiness 
which people of the world have never tasted."

Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati
Italy ~ 1901-1925
"Man of the Eight Beatitudes"
Patron of World Youth Days
Motto:  Verso l'alto - "To the heights!"
FEAST DAY – July 4

“To live without faith, without a patrimony to defend,
without a steady struggle for truth, that is not living,
but merely existing; we must never just "exist". - Bl Pier-Giorgio

 *To this day, Frassati´s body remains incorrupt: "When they opened
Pier Giorgio´s tomb in 1981, his body was perfectly preserved,"
recalled one witness. "He had a smile on his face and a rosary in his hands.
It was like meeting him for the first time."

 Bl Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us!

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"Be free people! What do I mean? Perhaps it is thought that freedom means doing everything one likes, or seeing how far one can go.... This is not freedom.
Freedom means being able to think about what we do, being able to assess what
is good and what is bad, these are the types of conduct that lead to development;
it means always opting for the good. Let us be free for goodness.

And in this do not be afraid to go against the tide, even if it is not easy!
Always being free to choose goodness is demanding, but it will make you
into people with a backbone who can face life, people with courage and patience....

Be men and women with others and for others:
true champions at the service of others." - Pope Francis

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