
Friday, August 21, 2015

Devotion par excellence

 “Among all these I sought a resting place; 
in whose inheritance should I abide?" - Sirach 24:7

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"The devotion to the Eucharist
is the most noble
because it has God as its object;
it is the most profitable for salvation,
because It gives us the Author of Grace;
it is the sweetest,
because the Lord is Sweetness Itself."

St Pius X
"Pope of the Eucharist"
Italy~ 1835-1914
257th Pope - 1903 to 1914
Papal motto: "To renew all things in Christ"
Extended age of First Communion to age seven.  Advocated frequent 
Communion, continual Cateshesis for all, daily Scripture reading by all. 
Reformed the liturgy, promoted clear and simple homilies,
brought Gregorian chant back, condemned the Modernist heresy.
FEAST DAY - August 21

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Describing Pius X, an historian wrote that he was
“a man of God who knew the unhappiness of the world
and the hardships of life, and in the  
greatness of his heart wanted to comfort everyone.”

Click here: St. Pius X - YouTube (2 mins)

St Pius X, pray for us!

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