
Monday, August 17, 2015

From the altar... the sweet life...

 "When I eat or drink, move or stand still, speak or keep silent,
sleep or wake, see, hear, or think; whether I am in church, at home,
or in the street, in bad health or good, dying or not dying, at every hour 
and moment of my life I wish all to be in God." - St Catherine of Genoa
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"Since we are the children of God, a chosen generation, a holy and kingly priesthood (I Peter 2:9), our aim and conduct in life should glow and shine with a courageous, active, patient love of sacrifice, until we have offered in the service of God and of the neighbor all our strength and goods, and the sacrifice of our own self shall be consummated. 

Such a life of sacrifice is indeed, hard and painful to nature, but by the grace of God it becomes sweet and pleasing. 

The Sacrifice of Christ fortifies and strengthens unto patient endurance; from the altar peace and joy, comfort and refreshment daily flow to us."
Rev Nicholas Gihr (+1924)

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