
Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Mass in my Life...

“My Jesus, let my heart sing out for joy, for You dwell in it. 
Let my mind be filled with heavenly thoughts
for Your Father desires to reign there. Let my soul be guided
by Your Spirit for He wishes to sanctify it.” - Mother Angelica

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“I am a child of God through Baptism 
and my resemblance to Him 
has grown stronger through Holy Communion. 
May I never forget my last Communion 
and may my heart yearn for the next one.

Somewhere, someplace 
there is a Mass being said –
a Calvary to be present at – a Communion to receive,
either sacramentally or spiritually –
an opportunity to be more like Jesus,
the privilege of helping my neighbor, a time to say ‘I thank You, God’,
a situation to choose Jesus over myself or a chance to make a sacrifice.”

Excerpt from The Mass in my Life
Mother Angelica
Our Lady of the Angels Monastery
Birmingham, Alabama

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