
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fatherly advice... holy wasting...

"To visit the Blessed Sacrament is ...
a proof of gratitude, an expression of love,
and a duty of adoration toward Christ our Lord."
- Pope Bl Paul VI, Mysterium fidei, 66

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"Adore. We, in the world of efficiency, have lost the meaning of Adoration, 
including in prayer. It’s true, we pray, we praise the Lord, we ask, we thank ... 
However, Adoration, that being before the one God, of that which alone
has no price, which is not negotiated, which is not changed ...
And everything that is outside of Him is a cardboard imitation, is an idol.

To adore. In this stage, make an effort to grow in this way of prayer. 
Adoration. Adore, adore God.
It is a lack in the Church at this moment, because of lack of pedagogy 
(method/practice of education)-- that sense of adoration
that we see in the Bible’s First Commandment, to adore the one God.
'Remember, Israel, have no other God other beside the One.'
To adore, 'Him alone will you adore.'

That 'wasting time' without asking, 
without thanking,
also without speaking,
only adoring with the soul prostrated."

Pope Francis
11 September 2015

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