
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Offering ourselves...

Therefore I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy,
to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God -
this is your spiritual act of worship. - Hebrews 12:1

Kneeling in prayer, preparing for Mass ~ Clear Creek Abbey, Hulbert, OK ~ USA

"We must offer unto God the daily sacrifice of tears and the daily sacrifice of His body and blood.  For what right believing Christian can doubt that in the very hour of the sacrifice, at the words of the priest, the heavens be opened, and the choirs of angels be present in that very mystery of Jesus Christ? 

But necessary it is that when we do these things, we should also by contrition of heart sacrifice ourselves unto almighty God.  For when we celebrate the mystery of our Lord's passion, we ought to imitate what we then do:  for then shall it truly be a sacrifice for us unto God, if we offer ourselves also to Him in sacrifice."

Pope St Gregory the Great
Italy ~ 540-604
Doctor of the Church
Prolific writer, untiring servant for Christ
Compiled Antiphony (chants of Church used for Liturgy)
Established Schola Cantorum (Rome's training school for choristers)
Patron:  Popes, Teachers, Choirboys, Musicians, Singers
Feast Day - September 3

“It is not by faith that you will come to know [God] but by love;
not by mere conviction, but by action.”~ St Gregory the Great

St Gregory the Great, pray for us!

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