
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Errand of love...

Above all, love each other deeply... - I Peter 4:8a

 Breath of Heaven,
carry us on the impulse of Christ's love,
as easily as thistledown is carried on the wind;
in the Advent season of our souls, 

while He is formed in us , in secret and in silence -
the Creator in the hands of His creatures, 
as the Host in the hands of the priest-

consecration.png (450×323)

we may carry Him forth 
to wherever He wishes to be,
as Mary carried Him over the hills
on an errand of love, to the house of Elizabeth.

Caryll Houselander
From the Splendor of the Rosary by Maisie Ward
with prayers by Caryll Houselander

 An MC Sister supports a patient at a hospice for AIDS patients and other seriously ill people 
run by the Missionaries of Charity in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. ~ Photo credit: CNS photo / Paul Jeffrey (2009).

"A little bit of mercy makes
the world less cold and more just."

Pope Francis

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